Expenses Day

Use our revolutionary AI to digitalize any kind of expense, from receipts, to bank statements, handwritten lists, and much more. Digitalize any expense that an AI can understand.

Expenses Day

Product Description

Expenses Day offers a revolutionary AI-powered API that can digitalize any kind of expense quickly and efficiently. It supports a wide range of document formats, including receipts, bank statements, invoices, and even handwritten notes, ensuring that any expense that can be understood can be processed. The system is capable of processing multiple types of expenses in a single request, making it efficient for users dealing with various expense documents. Additionally, it guarantees secure processing, with automatic destruction of documents to maintain privacy. The AI is designed to handle imperfect documents, including crumpled or torn receipts, showcasing its advanced capabilities in real-world scenarios.

Core Features

  • AI-powered digitalization of various expense types
  • Supports multiple file formats including PDF, CSV, HTML, images, and handwritten notes
  • Recognizes expenses across multiple documents
  • Secure document processing with automatic data destruction post-completion
  • Able to handle crumpled, torn, or partially scanned documents

Use Cases

  • Digitalizing receipts, bank statements, invoices, and other financial documents
  • Processing multiple expense types in a single API request
  • Facilitating expense tracking from handwritten lists and images